Singer/band: Laure Shang / 尚雯婕
Title: In
Release date: 2011/08/15
YesAsia Catalog No.: -
Language: English, French, Mandarin [CN]
Style: pop
01. Underneath
02. Imagination
03. Addiction
04. Love warrior
05. Asura
06. Forbidden love
07. The way I am
08. Where is my soul?
09. La muse de la nuit
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Laure Shang - Nightmare

Singer/band: Laure Shang / 尚雯婕
Title: Nightmare / Nightmare 魔
Release date: 2011/01/20
YesAsia Catalog No.: -
Language: English, French, Mandarin [CN]
Style: pop
01. Lonely lullaby 夜
02. Love warrior 战
03. Nightmare 魔
04. Ms.Lane Crawford 尚
05. Girl 女
06. S.O.S 救
07. Live beautifully 臣
08. Je passe ma vie à t'attendre 合
09. We will fly 飞
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Laure Shang - Fashion Icon

Singer/band: Laure Shang / 尚雯婕
Title: Fashion Icon / 全球风靡 Fashion Icon
Release date: 2010/11/23
YesAsia Catalog No.: 1023920881
Language: Mandarin [CN]
Style: pop, ballad
01. 连卡佛小姐 (Lian qia fo xiaojie)
02. S.O.S
03. 活出美丽 (Huo chu meili)
04. 候鸟 (Houniao)
05. 不能承受的爱 (Buneng chengshou de ai)
06. 天亮后分手 (Tianliang hou fenshou)
07. 妈妈 (Mama)
08. 我们的歌 (Women de ge)
09. 甜蜜的旅程 (Tianmi de lucheng)
10. 23秒32年 (23 miao 32 nian)
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Laure Shang - Time Lady

Singer/band: Laure Shang / 尚雯婕
Title: Time Lady / 时代女性
Release date: 2009/12/20
YesAsia Catalog No.: -
Language: Mandarin, French [CN]
Style: pop
01. Intro
02. 当你想起我 (Dang ni xiang qi wo)
03. 夜玫瑰 (Ye meigui)
04. 我想我是你的女人 (Wo xiang wo shi ni de nuren)
05. 什么?什么! (Shenme? Shenme!)
06. 永不停歇 (Yong buting xie)
07. Si Tu M'aimes
08. 劳拉的星星 (Laola de xingxing)
09. 恋爱超娱乐 (Lianai chao yule)(feat. Yang Kun - 杨坤)
10. Amis 阿蜜 (Amis a mi)
11. Outro
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5 komentari:
Thanks! This is one of my favorite albums of 2009. I own a copy of it. ^.^
Hi, can you please reupload the album? ^^
reuploaded :)
Thank you so much!
Can you please re-upload Fashion Icon and Time Lady? I really love Laure Shang's music!
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